• Mail: info(AT)lydiapepin(DOT)com
  • Mail: info(AT)lydiapepin(DOT)com

Expos & Events

Portrait of David Grimes, WMO unveiled at the UN building in Geneva

The portrait painting of David Grimes, President at United Nations World Meteorological Organization, was officially unveiled today at the UN building in Geneva.
It was a pleasure and an honour to paint the portrait of such a remarquable man, and have the opportunity to meet his wonderful wife Karen. Thank you for trusting me to capture David’s story and legacy on my canvas!
General Currie - Canada 150th

1917 - Canada Comes of Age Exhibit

The exhibition “1917 – Canada Comes of Age” is currently at the Cailuan Gallery in Cornwall until Nov 22nd, before travelling to Toronto’s Aurora Cultural Center from November 30th to December 30th

Ottawa Life Magazine

Ottawa Life Magazine Article

Fantastic article, “The Artful Composer” by Joel Redekop, about Lydia Pépin’s art career and paintings in the Ottawa Life Magazine, June 2017.

Handwritten letter from Sophie Grégoire Trudeau

Honoured and speechless to have received a personal handwritten letter from Sophie Grégoire Trudeau!

Canada 150th triangle

"Canada Naturally" - Collaborative Art Exhibit

“Canada Naturally” is a Collaborative Canada 150th art project on display for the month of June 2017 at the Shenkman Art Centre. Each artist were given a wood piece, a theme, a color range and a tight deadline; which resulted in a wide range of unique art pieces forming a colorful and beautiful maple leaf.

Vernissage "Contemplation" December 2016

A big thank you to everyone that came to the art show “Contemplations” on December 10th 2016,  and made it such a success!

Glowing review in Huffington Post

Great Article in the Huffington post by Jana  Ritter, about Lydia Pépin’s artwork, publishe December 10th 2016. “But more than just a painter who replicates the mundane, Pépin has become renowned for her masterful technique where the realism of photography and the richness of oil paint magically meet in a captivating collection of contemporary portraits and cityscapes.

Interview on Rogers TV Daytime Ottawa show

Thursday December 15th, Lydia Pépin gave an interview about her artwork, future projects and portrait painting on DayTime Ottawa. Go have a look!

Portrait of Ottawa Mayor at City Hall

Portrait of Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson, a 36″ x 48″ oil on canvas painted by Lydia Pépin, is now on permanent display at City Hall – go have a look.

Article in the Ottawa at Home Magazine

Wonderful article by Alexia Naidoo about Lydia Pépin’s path as an artist and what brought her to become a full time painter. Get the latest issue of the Ottawa at Home magazine!

First Place Award for "Portrait of Mylene"

Thank you to “Comtemporary Art” for awarding me First Place for my artwork “Portrait of Mylene” in the painting category.